About Us

Kids Health First
312 Crosstown Rd.
Suite 1112
Peachtree City, GA 30269
For mailing purposes only
We are a remote location. 

O  770.333.0033
F  770.333.1725
E  information@khfirst.com

• Leadership
• Mission and Values

In the late 1990s, a group of pediatricians came together for what is now known as Kids Health First, whose purpose was to challenge each other to provide better care for children. Chip Harbaugh, M.D., F.A.A.P., the original driving force behind Kids Health First states,

“We believed that in order to provide the very best pediatric care, we needed to come together as a group and establish ourselves as the voice of pediatric medicine in Atlanta. By joining forces, we have been able to create clinically integrated models of care based on measurable quality standards. The end result-better health outcomes for the children of Atlanta.”

Today, Kids Health First comprised of more than 200 pediatricians from 37 private practices across the Atlanta area, works diligently to provide the most comprehensive, compassionate, and clinically advanced standard of care to children and their families.

Quality standards, ongoing medical education, clinical development and research, and implementation of best practices through a consensus model and advanced technology are just a few of the benefits available to your child’s pediatrician through the affiliation with Kids Health First.

When you choose us, you choose Quality - Care - Innovation… First.

copyright 2025 Kids Health First Pediatric Alliance. All Rights Reserved.
Mailing address: 312 Crosstown Road, Suite 112
Peachtree City, GA 30269
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