Healthcare Professionals


Kids Health First’s role does not begin and end at the physician’s practices. Our responsibility to advance pediatric medicine and population health management requires collaboration, affiliation, collegiality, and interface with multiple organizations in the healthcare, medical and legal community. We help promote the importance of the medical home and ensure that pediatric medical care provided remains a top priority.

Our role in the community is not without the ongoing interface with Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Emory-Children’s Center, The Children’s Health Network (TCHN), The Children’s Care Network (TCCN), the Georgia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and HeLP the medical-legal partnership which provides legal resources to low-income families and at-risk children.

KHF is also a member of the Pediatric Health Improvement Coalition (PHIC), a statewide network of pediatric healthcare providers whose primary objective is to improve health outcomes for children and ensure the future of Georgia’s pediatric specialty care. Other members of this coalition include the five children’s hospitals throughout the state, the GA Chapter of the AAP, and other physician organizations. 

As we contribute to and support The Children’s Care Network, we have positioned ourselves as an advocate in securing better health outcomes and population health management for all children. This collaboration goes further as we provide access to group purchasing power, cost savings and technical resources for primary and specialty pediatric healthcare providers, regardless of membership in Kids Health First.

Combined, all of Kids Health First’s efforts clearly define our organization as a leading voice in the transformation of pediatric care in Georgia. 

copyright 2025 Kids Health First Pediatric Alliance. All Rights Reserved.
Mailing address: 312 Crosstown Road, Suite 112
Peachtree City, GA 30269
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